Physics 物理
P1 量子力學 Quantum Mechanics
- Basic wave function operation
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Schrodinger’s Time Independent Equation
- The Hamiltonian Operator
- Application on simple system
日期:July 5,6,8,9 | 17:00-19:00 |
P2 相對論 Relativity
- Relationship between time and space
- Derivation of the Theory of Special Relativity
- Time-Dilation and Length Contraction
- Simultaneity and Causality
- Twins Paradox and more
日期:July 12,13,15,16 | 17:00-19:00 |
P3 工程物理學 Engineering Physics
- Nominal Stress and Shear Stress
- Second Moment of Inertia and Rotational Dynamics
- Structural Physics
- Application to real life problems such as stress on a bridge
日期:July 26,27,29,30 | 17:00-19:00 |
Engineering 工程
E1 數位電路學 Digital Electronics
-Number systems
-Logic gates
-Boolean algebra
-Combinatorial circuit designs
日期:July 12,13,15,16 | 19:00-21:00 |
E2 基本編程 Introduction to Python
-Basic programming concepts
-Variables, data structures, loops and functions
-Various tools used in code production
日期: July 19,20,22,23 | 19:00-21:00 |
E3 機器人工作坊 Robotics Workshop
-Building a robot
- Circuits, sensors, microcontroller and programming
日期:July 26,27,29,30 | 17:00-19:00 |
Chemistry 化學
C1 分子軌域理論 Molecular Orbital Theory
- Wave function of Hydrogen atom
- AOs, HAOs and MOs
- Using MO to explain bonding and other physical properties
- HOMO-LUMO interaction and reaction
日期:July 5,6,8,9 | 19:00-21:00 |
C2 有機化學 Organic Chemistry
- Basics of University Organic Chemistry
- Delocalisation and Conjugation
- E1, E2, SN1, SN2 ,E1CB and other mechanism
- Competing Reactions
日期:July 19,20,22,23 | 17:00-19:00 |
Biology 生物
B1 動物生理學 Animal Physiology
-Oxygen, carbon dioxide and internal transport:
The physiology of marine mammals
-Food, energy and temperature: Surviving the extreme cold
-Water, salts and excretion: Surviving the severe drought
Integrating systems: The senses and navigation
日期:July 12,13,15,16 | 17:00-19:00 |
B2 生物心理學 Biological Psychology
-Basics of the brain and nervous system
-Light detection and the Trichromatic, Opponent Process and Retinex theory of colour vision
-Different models of memory
日期:July 26,27,29,30 | 17:00-19:00 |
1 科: 1100 MOP
3 科: 3050 MOP
4科: 4000 MOP
5 科: 4900 MOP
二人同行,每人學費減免 100 MOP